TOP 5 Free Social Media Listening Tools


Growing Agribusinesses with Facebook Marketing

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TOP 5 Free Social Media Listening Tools

We know social media is pivotal to any Agribusiness’s success.

That being said, it’s now increasingly important to listen to what is being said about your business via social media to better understand the needs of your customers.

So if you want to ensure you’re taking advantage of valuable customer insights to better your agribusiness, then read on!

In this blog, I’ll explain why Agribusinesses are actively using social media listening tools to better understand their customers and the sentiment surrounding their brand, and how YOU can do the same.

What is social listening?

Social listening is the process of monitoring your social media channels to track conversations around your brand, competitors and products for the improvement of your business. To track conversations, you’ll need to research specific topics, phrases and keywords relevant to your industry or agribusiness.

How can social listening help my Agribusiness?

Tracking customer conversations on social media gives you an in-depth understanding of your customer’s needs, and what they expect from your business.

Social listening is fantastic for giving you a greater insight into the overall performance of your brand. By using social media listening tools, you can gain actionable insights from people who are interested in, and talking about your Agribusiness. And best of all, the information is readily available – so why wouldn’t you use it!

But first, you’ll need a social media listening tool to track those all-important conversations.

Read on to discover Wright Social’s go-to listening tools.

  1. Hootsuite

Undeniably one of the top social media listening tools available, Hootsuite enables users to cover multiple social platforms including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, Foursquare and Google+.

The free version is basically a stripped-down version of the paid version, and although Hootsuite is free for individuals, it’s necessary to purchase a paid version for businesses and enterprises.

But given its popularity and range of available services, it may be worth the spend!

  1. Social Mention

One of the simplest, quickest and sharpest tools available, Social Mention is a search engine that will scan over 100 social media platforms. The tool provides an analysis of your brand in terms of strength (the likelihood that your brand is being discussed on social media), sentiment (ratio of mentions that are generally positive to those that are generally negative), passion (likelihood that people talking about your brand will do so repeatedly) and reach (a measure of the range of influence).

Social Mention is super quick and simple to use, and a great place to get started.

  1. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo allows you to pay close attention to which content performs best in your industry, how that content is performing and what your competitor’s are posting – all in a neat and extensive analysis report.

The tool is also great for aggregating data regarding the number of links to your domain and the pieces of content received – both on social media and via backlinks.

  1. SumAll

This powerful tool gathers data from across your social media accounts – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – to deliver an easy analysis of your followers, interactions and engagements.

It’s also great for helping you understand the correlation between your social accounts, and even provides you with daily emails reviewing top-level stats for your account compared to the previous week.

BONUS: SumAll specifically targets small-medium businesses. Perhaps this could be a helpful tool for your Agribusiness!

  1. Crowdfire

This tool can help you gain Twitter followers by allowing you to see who un-followed you, how your posts affect your following, and to find new followers using their ‘copy followers’ option. ‘Copy followers’ works by giving you a kind of ‘behind the scenes’ look at who will be most likely to follow you right back, meaning you have an advantage in connecting with the right people for your agribusiness.

You can even use Crowdfire as a scheduling tool to get optimal reach with Publish, manage non-followers and inactive followers & engage with new followers using Auto direct message.

[bctt tweet=”The social listening tool that is right for your Agribusiness will be dependent on your organisation’s needs. For example, the time you dedicate to your social media management will be a key factor here.” username=”GreatAustralia”]

[bctt tweet=”If you’re not devoting as much time to social media marketing for agribusinesses as you would like to be, then today is the time to start! ” username=”GreatAustralia”]

Over to you!

Do you use social listening tools? Which tools are your favourite and how do you implement that knowledge into your marketing plan? Leave a comment – it’ll make my day!

Take a minute to leave a comment, we’d love to hear from you!

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