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AgBiTech’s investment in social media marketing is all about helping more Australian growers solve key problems in the paddock. By connecting their unique solution to more of the right growers, channel partners, and agronomists across Australia, at the right time in the season, they are building relevancy, visibility, trust, and importantly, business with the help […]
This National Agriculture Day we are celebrating everyone who makes agriculture great, including the farmers who feed and cloth us. We’re also reflecting on our own journey in agriculture and why this industry continues to inspire us every single day! As we look back on the milestones we’ve achieved and the lessons we’ve learned, we […]
The marketing funnel is a well-established concept, serving as a guiding framework that moves people through stages of awareness to decision-making. At Wright Social, we adapt this approach to suit the unique needs of agriculture by guiding farmers and rural communities through six key phases in their decision-making journey—leading them naturally toward a genuine path […]