Using Reels in your next agribusiness campaign

Wright Social Reels in Agribusiness

With relatable short-form video outperforming many other forms of video on Instagram, it makes sense to start taking your Reels to the next level, and considering this content in your paid campaigns.

For those agribusinesses brand new to Reels, Reels is a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short, engaging videos with a duration of up to 60 seconds.

The question then becomes, how do you evaluate the performance of your Reel ad creatives so you get the most out of future paid campaigns?

Instagram provides detailed analytics for Reels, allowing advertisers to measure the performance of campaigns. But there is a step before this that is fundamental to identifying the critical factor that will generate you a successful advertising campaign with Reels. That is finding out what creative iv working hardest for you to attract the right kind of audience.

First of all, it’s important you identify the question you want to answer and create a testable hypothesis. This means ad sets are identical, except for the variable that you are testing, in this case the creative (since the creative is what differentiates Reels from other formats).

With so many tools on the market, we like to keep it smart and simple here at Wright Social. After all, our motto is Big on creative, Small on bother.

Here are the 2 common ways to effectively evaluate Reel creative performance (set aside a testing budget, all marketing requires testing).

Test a creative with “Auction Ad Ranking”. This lets the system decide the winner where ads can be tested in an advert with a designated budget.

A/B test valuations. This method allows you to compare two or more creatives with each other and identify the single variable that sets one out from the other.

There’s also Lift tests, which for the serious advertiser, allows you to measure the incremental effect of your Meta advertising. So next time you go to run a paid campaign, check your Reel library and start integrating a test campaign into your advertising methodology. You will start to identify what creative/s perform best and begin to scale up a high performance ad campaign.

Ready to take your social media to the next level?


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